#1YearEF: Opinions of leaders in Europe
Thomas Bucher, Greg Pritchard, Evi Rodemann, Jeff Fountain and Stefano Bogliolo give their views on the first anniversary of Evangelical Focus.
09 JANUARY 2016 · 11:38 CET

The first year of Evangelical Focus is already gone. Launched on January 8, 2015, the aim of the website continues to be to give a voice to people who have both a clear biblical worldview and who also understand the cultural context in which they live in.
Some of these people who know Europe well commented on the first year of life of the project.
“With little resources doing so much and at a high standard. Congratulations for your first anniversary and best wishes for the coming year.”
“I am thrilled that Evangelical Focus has quickly become a clearing house for evangelicals world-wide of a wise biblical perspective on today's world. I am looking forward to Year Two!"
“The wide variety of topics written on by Evangelical Focus I enjoy immensely. It is a unique platform for various issues concerning Europe and the body of Christ. That´s why I appreciate EF and love them to succeed!”
“Evangelical Focus tome has been a great idea, because it tries to be a unique voice into the world according the European evangelicals, examining the issues at hand from an evangelical perspective.”
“EF has been a welcome addition to the many emails in my in-tray - helps sort out useful perspectives from the flood of good, bad and ugly information the internet age has brought us. Thank you and well done!”
More opinions will be published in the next days. Read about Evangelical Focus’ 1st year.
Published in: Evangelical Focus - europe - #1YearEF: Opinions of leaders in Europe