“Praying and voting wisely requires all of us to do some homework”

A resource prepared by the European Evangelical Alliance helps to think through ways in which Christians can engage responsibly with election times.

Evangelical Focus

BRUSSELS · 15 SEPTEMBER 2021 · 14:24 CET

The European Evangelical Alliance offers a resource pack to help Christians reflect about their vote in this election season. / Photo: <a target="_blank" href="https://www.europeanea.org/">EEA website</a>.,
The European Evangelical Alliance offers a resource pack to help Christians reflect about their vote in this election season. / Photo: EEA website.

In election time, European evangelical Christians have a chance to “pray, think, ask questions and encourage others to do the same”, says the continent’s Evangelical Alliance (EEA).

A pack of resources prepared by the EEA has been made available to help believers engage in the decision-making of their countries. 7 themes are addressed in short reflections that can be shared online or downloaded.

“Hope and responsibility”, “Praying for elections” or “Who to vote for?” are some of the articles which try to encourage Christians to be aware of the priviledge and responsibility of democratic elections.

Among other resources, there is a list of reflection questions ahead of the vote to not get lost in the at times superficial and divisive media narratives.

The European Evangelical Alliance has a socio-political team with an officer in Brussels, heart of the European Union.

Visit the EEA website to use this resource pack for election time.

Published in: Evangelical Focus - europe - “Praying and voting wisely requires all of us to do some homework”