Nice attack: The National Council of Evangelicals of France’s reaction
Read the CNEF statement (English).
CNEF · PARIS · 15 JULY 2016 · 17:41 CET

15 July 2016
As Nice mourns the loss of their dear ones and heals its wounded in the aftermath of this despicable attack perpetrated on the Promenade des Anglais, the National Council of Evangelicals of France (CNEF) wants to express all its compassion and solidarity to the wounded and the families of the victims.
The CNEF proposes that a time of prayer is organized in favour of the grieving families, the numerous wounded, the law enforcement authorities, and the government of our country during the Sunday services of July 17 in all the evangelical Protestant churches. The CNEF counts also on the many communities of Nice and Côte d’Azur to manifest genuinely the solidarity of evangelical Protestants.
In less than 18 months, France has been affected by three terrorist incidents of an extraordinary violence that leave us appalled. To face these attacks, for which everyone agrees they are difficult to foresee and no security level will prevent them completely, the CNEF invites every fellow citizen to turn towards God, the God of Jesus Christ, the only one able to transform the human heart and to give real peace.
Meanwhile, let us refuse giving way both to panic and hatred. Let us tighten back up the bonds of national solidarity in these troubled times. And let us not forget that in this moment we have millions of Christians around the world that are praying for France.
Because of the Gospel, the CNEF will always stand up by those who, no matter their origin, nationality or religion, defend life and freedom, the treasured possessions of a humanity that was scorned today.
Download this statement in French. Visit the website of the CNEF.
Published in: Evangelical Focus - europe - Nice attack: The National Council of Evangelicals of France’s reaction