Over 7,000 march for life in London

This year the theme of the march was '10 million too many', a reference to the number of abortions carried out in the UK since the approval of the Abortion Act in 1967.

    Evangelical Focus

    UK March for Life · LONDON · 09 SEPTEMBER 2022 · 15:00 CET

    Over 7,000 march for life in London. / <a target="_blank" href="https://www.marchforlife.co.uk/"> March for Life UK</a>,
    Over 7,000 march for life in London. / March for Life UK

    Over 7,000 people took the streets of London on 3 September for the 2022 UK March for life, a record in the history of this event.

    The theme of the march this year was '10 million too many' , which is “the number of abortions which have occurred since the Abortion Act was passed in the UK in 1967” explained Ben Thatcher, one of the organisers.

    Throughout the morning, several activities for children and young people, talks and testimonies took place at the Emmanuel Centre in London.

    At 2 p.m., thousands of people started to parade through the streets on “a lively procession”, which ended in a gathering at Parliament Square.

    Once there, several speakers expressed their concern about “the current abortion laws which permit abortion up to 24 weeks for almost any reason and up till birth for downs syndrome or a disability”.

    There was also time for testimonies, such as that of Hayley, who shared how she was coerced into having an abortion; and Armita, who came with her baby girl and told how after taking the first set of abortion pills she experienced an instant feeling of regret and contacted Dr Dermot Kearney (also a speaker on the day) who prescribed Amrita with what is known as ‘The Abortion Reversal Pill’.


    Increasing youth participation

    According to the organisers, one of the highlights of the march was that “more young people than everparticipated in the event.

    “We’ve seen a steady increase in the amount of young people wanting to take part in pro-life events since the news from America, many of these are stepping out for the first time and feel that since this issue is being talked about more, it’s now acceptable to disclose their beliefs”, said Madeline Page, CEO of the Alliance of pro-life students. .

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