Albanian evangelicals focus on unity, witness and presence in society

VUSH, the country’s Evangelical Alliance, held its General Assembly. Over 190 churches and organisations are among its members.

Evangelical Focus


The executive board of Vush, the Albanian Evangelical Alliance, in November 2023. / Photo: <a target="_blank" href="">Vush</a>.,
The executive board of Vush, the Albanian Evangelical Alliance, in November 2023. / Photo: Vush.

Brining unity to the evangelical body, empowering the church and representing Christ in different spheres of our society were the three focuses at the latest General Assembly of VUSH, the Albanian Evangelical Alliance.

Over 190 churches, unions and evangelical organisations are members of the Vëllazëria Ungjillore e Shqipërisë (VUSH),

Between 14-17 November, the Evangelical Alliance of this country of 2.8 million inhabitants brought together pastors and other Christian leaders to reflect on the past year and continue to build personal relationships.

In the last 12 months, the board explained, representative meetings with “people of influence in Albania such as government ministers, mayors and ambassadors” were held. Conferences to “equip and empower local churches” were organised as well, some of them including international speakers such as Jim Garlow or Erwin Lutzer.

Albanian evangelicals focus on unity, witness and presence in society

  A session of the VUSH General Assembly 2023. / Photo: VUSH.

The office of VUSH seeks to be “a bridge to build relationships of the church body to the government but also as a bridge to serve our members through different projects that can help empower and mature the local churches and the whole evangelical community”, said its secretary general, Alesio Sema.


Unity in a difficult context

The annual gathering was a chance to worship together and to look back at the 131 years of history of the evangelical movement, “remembering our founders and the good and brave work they started”.

“In a world that is moving very fast, we find that the best thing we can do is to stay abided in Jesus so that we all can remain united in the midst of chaos and turbulations that are happening”.

Learn more about VUSH by visiting its website.

Published in: Evangelical Focus - europe - Albanian evangelicals focus on unity, witness and presence in society