With over 10,000 abortions in 2023, Ireland breaks record

“Thousands of women are being betrayed by the over promotion of abortion as the only possible response to pregnancy”, laments an Irish pro-life parliamentarian.

    Evangelical Focus

    DUBLIN · 01 MARCH 2024 · 12:15 CET

    A street in Dublin, Ireland. / Photo: <a target="_blank" href="https://unsplash.com/@gregda"> Gregory DALLEAU</a>, Unsplash CC0.,
    A street in Dublin, Ireland. / Photo: Gregory DALLEAU, Unsplash CC0.

    Ireland reached the highest number of abortions since terminating a pregnancy was made legal in the country, according to the latest figures, which point to over 10,000 abortions performed in 2023.

    The Health Service Executive (HSE) recently released the data to an independent parliamentarian. Carol Norman reported that from January to November 2023, GPs (general practitioners) made claims for reimbursements for a total of 9,218 abortions.

    This figure does not include abortions carried out in hospitals, making the total number of abortions in Ireland last year probably higher than 10,000.

    This figure is an increase of more than 20% over 2022, when 8,876 abortions were recorded in Ireland.


    “An epidemic of loss”

    For deputy Nolan, “this is now an epidemic of loss” and “thousands of women are being betrayed by the over promotion of abortion as the only possible response to pregnancy in certain circumstances and the cruel under promotion of life affirming alternatives”.

    “I will continue to shine a light on this issue so that women and families are fully supported with the kind of wrap around service provision that will meaningfully assist them in choosing a different path beyond that of abortion”, she added.


    Sharp increase in the last two years

    Eilís Mulroy, spokesperson of the Irish pro-life group Pro-Life Campaign, lamented that “we are now seeing an alarming trend where the annual abortion rate has risen dramatically since 2019, but most especially in the last two years”.

    According to Mulroy, “the impact of telemedicine has likely had a major impact in increasing the abortion rate”.

    “The government cannot continue to bury its head in the sand and refuse to listen to those who have well grounded and practical suggestions on how to reduce the soaring abortion rate”, conclude the spokesperson.


    A liberalisation of abortion laws

    Ireland made abortion on demand available up to twelve weeks in 2019, with a three-day reflection period. During the coronavirus pandemic, women were allowed to take abortion pills at home.

    Furthermore, last year the Irish Parliament approved the "Health (Termination of Pregnancy Services) (Safe Access Zones)" draft law, which is now under consideration by a Senate committee.

    The Bill states that people who offer advice or seek to assist pregnant women within 100 metres of an abortion clinic will be committing a criminal offence. Repeat offenders could face a €2,500 fine, or up to six months in prison.

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