Daesh: “Allah is the greatest”
God suffered death in the person of Christ to bring life not only to the defenceless, but also to those who think they are powerful just because they have grenades in their belt. Christ also died for the sinners of Daesh.
16 NOVEMBER 2015 · 18:57 CET

"Allahu akbar!" (Allah is the greatest!), the Daesh murderers shouted while they started their satanic death ritual in Bataclan.
Daesh's Allah is the greatest killing children, cutting young people's throats, raping women, humiliating the defenceless, and despoiling minorities. The Allah Daesh has created is not even able to do all those atrocities by himself. He is weak and unable, and necessarily needs to use those who are nothing without a kalashnikov in their hands.
Their Allah cannot impose his judgement without using his mercenary headmen. He is small, humanly small and weak.
The Allah of Daesh is unable to build anything. He only destroys, hates, kills, humiliates. God humbled himself becoming a man.1
The Allah of Daesh brings death to the city markets, the public squares, the defenceless population. God suffered death in the person of Christ to bring life, not only to the defenceless, but also to those who think they are powerful just because they have grenades in their belts. He also died for the sinners of Daesh.
The Allah of Daesh leaves orphans and widows. But ”though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me.”2
The Allah of Daesh does not care about having a personal relationship with his believers, and his followers impose by force false conversions of those who do not believe like them. God someday will judge all, without exception, but meanwhile, he does not impose conversions. He stands at the door and knocks, if anyone hears his voice and opens the door, he will come in and eat with that person.3
God made us in his image, but we fell. We maintain the greatness of his image, but carry the misery of our fall. The Allah of Daesh was made in the image of fallen men, and carries all the misery of sin: he hates, persecutes, humiliates, kills.
The Allah of Daesh is humanly small, weak and useless, and needs fanatics who defend him. God is almighty and does not need any men to defend him.
God, in Jesus Christ, conquered death and resurrected, the impotent Allah of Daesh is definitively dead.
They can persecuted us in the name of the Allah of Daesh, kill us in his name. They can afflict us on every side, but not crush us; perplex us, but we will not be in despair; persecute us, but we will not be abandoned; struck us down, but we will not be destroyed4
Because, although we are vulnerable, although we are clay vessels, we have inside us the precious treasure of life that Jesus gave us forever. And nothing they can do will escape from God´s sovereignty.
He decides what he permits and what he does not permit. God is the greatest.
X. Manuel Suárez is Vice President of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance.
1 Phil 2.7-8
2 Psalm 27.10
3 Rev 3.20
4 2Co 4:8-9
Published in: Evangelical Focus - Features - Daesh: “Allah is the greatest”