After learning about the death of my friend, I have been asking myself, why am I still here and he is not? Why am I not on the other side like so many people who take their lives every day? I am sure that I am privileged to be alive today.
“Most children whose feelings do not align with their biological sex will solve those incongruencies after the normal developmental process of puberty”, the institution says.
The intersection of physical and spiritual health among frontier peoples.
The Christian community has wide and sometimes unexplored potential to be the very context in which holistic health is promoted and preserved.
Speaking to a Christian a reporter, the PSOE praised the work of evangelical churches among migrants, the PP valued their dialogue, and Vox spoke of their moral coherence and ability to create strong communities.
In June, thousands of young Christians in France were challenged to courageously let their faith shine for others to see. One month later, riots erupted in many cities.
Jonas Engström, director of the Stockholm Gospel Choir Festival: “This is both my way of living and sharing my faith”.
Luis Enrique Camarena received the recognition from the government for “being a bridge between the state and the church to foster constructive dialogues that resolve conflicts”.
A study shows that 26% of pastors have personally struggled with mental issues. Most leaders talk about mental health at church and feel equipped to provide help.
A report shows that there were 2,699 deaths from euthanasia in 2021, an increase of 10.39%. Most of them were performed at home to patients over 70.
A report of the Social and Cultural Planning Office shows that only 33% say they believe in God. But “believers experience more meaningfulness than non-believers”.
Some pediatric researchers estimate that 5 million minors have lost a parent or caregiver due to Covid-19. “The impact on a psychological level is very strong”, explains a Christian psychologist.
A report compares suicide rates in countries where euthanasia is legal, with those where it is not. “Legalizing euthanasia will not help prevent suicide”, it says.
The company, the celebrations and the worship can bring a special blessing for people living with dementia.
Talking about mental health with young people through a glimpse into the early life of of a well-known TV presenter and his struggles with mental health as a teenager.