Markets in Europe become increasingly “plastic free”

Companies in several countries work to eradicate plastic packaging.

    Evangelical Focus

    AMSTERDAM · 01 MARCH 2018 · 16:40 CET

    Plastic bags in a market. / Pixabay (CC0),apples, plasitc, market
    Plastic bags in a market. / Pixabay (CC0)

    For many years, environmentalists have called to reduce the use of plastic in commerce.

    In the last years, many supermarkets have ceased to offer free plastic bags, but much of the packaging has not changed. In the case of ready-to-eat meals, the use of plastic has increased.

    But countries like the Netherlands and Germany are leading the way in Europe to promote a more sustainable consumer culture, by reducing the non-renewable packaging to a minimum.

    In Amsterdam, a market of ‘bio’ food will open the first “plastic free” establishment of its kind. The more than 700 food products on offer will be either unpacked or served in cardboard or other ecologically certified means.

    The initiative has been support by organisations such as “A Plastic Planet”.

    A similar market is expected to open soon in The Hague.



    Meanwhile, in the United Kingdom, the parliament is discussing ways to reduce the use ofdisposable coffee cups.

    Only 1% of the 2.5 billion disposable coffee cups used in the country UK every year are recycled.


    Published in: Evangelical Focus - life & tech - Markets in Europe become increasingly “plastic free”