Christians campaign and pray for climate justice
The Renew Our World campaign is “calling on Christians worldwide to join in prayer and action to respond to the negative consequences of climate change.”
Renew Our World, Eu-cord · BRUSSELS · 17 MARCH 2017 · 15:40 CET

Climate change has become an important issue worldwide, and faith groups have played an increasingly important role in the global climate movement within the last years.
They have also contributed to the Paris Agreement that came out of the UN climate change conference in December 2015, when the world leaders committed to pursue efforts to keep temperature rise below 1.5°C.
Renew our world is a global movement of Christians “who long to see God’s world renewed”, because “God’s intention for this world is that no one would hunger, thirst, or live in oppression. That the world God created is more than enough to sustain all creation.”
“We believe God’s creation is a gift to us, that we ought to steward and protect”, its website says.
And adds: “we know that the health of creation and of our global family are inextricably linked, that as our environment is degraded so are the opportunities for people to flourish”
The multi-annual campaign Renew Our World “is calling on Christians worldwide to join in prayer and action to respond to the negative consequences of climate change for our planet and especially poor communities.”
It has started with “a focus on prayer for climate justice during the season of lent, and will continue advocating for “sustainable agriculture and renewable energy in its first years.”
The campaign website provides a number of resources that help individuals, organisations and churches to join the campaign by praying, pursuing sustainable lifestyles and advocating for transformative policies.
Renew our World mobilises, inspires, and equips the global Church to:
- transform our nations' policies to be more sustainable and just
- transform our hearts through prayer and study to be more sensitive to injustice and better equipped to respond
- transform our behaviours and practices to reflect our love of God's creation and our global neighbours
The campaign “calls on our elected leaders to live up to Paris agreement signed by 195 countries in 2015” in these ways:
- Every country must make a national plan to transition to zero emissions.
- Invest in clean renewable energy, run locally so it reaches everyone, especially those in poverty.
- Support sustainable agriculture to steward our natural resources and support the livelihoods of small farmers to provide enough food for all.
The Renew Our World campaign will put pressure on governments around the world to deliver on promises made in the Paris Agreement”, Tearfund’s Director of Advocacy, Paul Cook says.
Published in: Evangelical Focus - science - Christians campaign and pray for climate justice