World Cup: “We’re excited about sharing the gospel on the streets of Moscow”

Christians set up a fan zone in a church in the city centre. A Steiger mission team will start conversations about Jesus through creative activities.

    Joel Forster

    MOSCOW · 15 JUNE 2018 · 10:32 CET

    Sharing the gospel on the streets in previous street evangelism activities. / Steiger Union,
    Sharing the gospel on the streets in previous street evangelism activities. / Steiger Union

    The 2018 World Cup in Russia has begun. The inauguration on Thursday started what will be the sports highlight of the year.

    As the games begin, hundreds of thousands of fans will fill the streeets of Moscow and other Russian cities to support their teams.

    Many Christians will be in Russia the next month as well. Some, like the members of Steiger Union, have a deep desire to start conversation about what Jesus Christ has to say regarding sports, celebration, and the meaning of life.

    “We are excited to use this chance and share the gospel on the streets of Moscow together with people from different churches and other countries”, Angela Tkachenko told Evangelical Focus one day before travelling with a team of other Christians to the country’s capital.


    Angela Tkachenko, of Steiger.

    Question. Angela, why are you going to the World Cup

    Answer. Because it is a historical event where people from so many nations gather together to watch the games. The Word of Life Church opens its church building as a fan zone and we as Steiger Mission organization are excited to use this chance and share the Gospel on the streets of Moscow together with people from different churches and other countries 


    Q. What kind of activities are you organising to start conversations about Jesus?

    A. In Steiger we came up with some creative methods like ‘Fortune Jar’ (a jar full of Scriptures), ‘Healing Chair’, ‘Leave and Take’ ( we offer people to leave their regrets, offenses and bad thoughts on sheets of papers and exchange it for our small papers with Scripture ), we also do flash mobs and a Cross procession.


    Sharing the gospel on the streets in previous street evangelism activities. / Steiger Union

    Q. From previous experiences, what kind of needs and interests do people who attend large events like the massive sports events or music festivals have?

    A. These people have needs in fellowship and many of them are very open to talk about Jesus and receive prayer right on the streets. Many people even in the midst of crowd suffer with loneliness, so we’ve seen many lives changed by God in the midst of big festivals and events.


    Q. What do you do with people who want to take a decision to follow Jesus? Do you do follow-up after the World Cup?

    A. Yes, we plan to do follow up right there, invite people to coffee shops for a Bible study and do an Open Breakfast for them in church. And of course we will be cooperating with local churches inviting people to join the community.


    Sharing the gospel on the streets in previous street evangelism activities. / Steiger Union

    Q. Russia approved laws that make publish witnessing much harder. Do you fear you the authorities could stop you from sharing the gospel?

    A. Honestly we have some fear but we pray and trust God for his protection. Our Steiger missionaries from Ukraine once were preaching Jesus openly on the streets of Moscow one day before the election and the Lord protected them. So we trust Him this time too. But our first desire is to fulfil the Bible and preach the Gospel where it’s so needed!

    Published in: Evangelical Focus - life & tech - World Cup: “We’re excited about sharing the gospel on the streets of Moscow”