A quarter of the US population says the epidemic “has strengthened their faith”

A Pew Research survey shows that 24% of adults say their faith has grown stronger, only 2% say it has become weaker.

Evangelical Focus

Pew Research, Protestante Digital · WASHINGTON D.C. · 07 MAY 2020 · 16:03 CET

91% of Americans say their church has canceled meetings to the public, even though in most states are still allowed. / Twitter @USRealityCheck.  ,
91% of Americans say their church has canceled meetings to the public, even though in most states are still allowed. / Twitter @USRealityCheck.

Around a quarter of the US adults (24%) says that their faith “has become stronger because of the coronavirus pandemic”, a Pew Research survey recently published, reports.

Furthermore, “just 2% say their faith has become weaker; the majority say their faith hasn’t changed much (47%), and for many the question isn’t applicable because they were not religious to begin with (26%)”.

“The most religious Americans, those who frequently pray and attend services (at least in typical times), and who rate religion as very important to them, are far more likely than others to say their faith has grown stronger as a result of the coronavirus outbreak”, the survey points out.

According to Pew Research, that feeling “is mainly reported by Protestants in the historically black tradition (56%)”, while only 7% of the Jews have experienced a strengthening of their faith in recent weeks.

Church meetings online

In addition to the data on the impact of the pandemic on the faith of the American adult population, Pew Research also reports about how churches are dealing with this crisis, “making religious services available remotely through online platforms”.

Although in most of states churches could be physically open, with few or any limitations, “the vast majority (91%) say their congregation has closed its religious services to the public, just 3% answer that their congregation is still holding in-person services”, the survey reveals.

“Among U.S. adults who report attending religious services at least monthly, 82% say that their churches are streaming or recording its services, so that people can watch them online or on TV”, Pew Research adds.

Of all denominations, evangelicals are the ones who are using online methods the most in their effort to continue their church activity (92%).

Published in: Evangelical Focus - life & tech - A quarter of the US population says the epidemic “has strengthened their faith”