Creation Care conference: Bible and science to promote action in Europe

“Is the gospel about human salvation from a condemned world or does it include hope for creation’s good future in Christ?” Lausanne Movement and World Evangelical Alliance sponsor the regional gathering.

    Evangelical Focus

    Lausanne / WEA Creation Care Network · TORREMOLINOS (SPAIN) · 31 AUGUST 2016 · 12:32 CET

    Photo: Awais Ali Seikh (Flickr, CC),
    Photo: Awais Ali Seikh (Flickr, CC)

    UPDATE: This conference has been postponed. It will probably happen in the second half of 2017. The location is still to be decided


    “How should Christians think and act regarding Climate Change, mass migration often caused by water and food insecurity and desertification, biodiversity loss and pollution?” These kind of questions will be discussed during the next European Creation Care conference happening.

    It will be the seventh in a series of regional conferences building on the Lausanne Cape Town Commitment (2010) with its historic recognition that “creation care is a gospel issue within the Lordship of Jesus Christ”.

    “The relationship between the Christian gospel and the environmental crises that define 21st century life is one of the most important subjects for Christians to grapple with. Is the gospel about human salvation from a condemned world or does it include hope for creation’s good future in Christ?”, the organisers ask.



    The conference is supported by global Evangelical organisations and platforms who aim to connect the Bible with relevant issues of today. The Lausanne Movement and the World Evangelical Alliance sponsor the meeting in partnership with A Rocha International, Care of Creation and the European Evangelical Alliance.

    3 core themes will be addressed:

    - God’s Word: What does the Bible have to say about creation, the environment and our mission as God’s image-bearers in his world?

    - God’s World: Up-to-date science on a range of environmental issues particularly as they affect Europe, and the interface of environment, economy and poverty.

    - God’s Work: Sharing stories and good practice of existing Christian work in environmental campaigns, practical conservation, environmental education, church engagement and more.



    Previous conferences (two each in Asia, Africa and the Americas) have already led to transformed awareness for many, to better partnerships, and to new national creation-care movements in several countries. “It is our hope and prayer that the European conference will do the same.”

    The gathering is specially is specially for mission and church leaders, scientists, practitioners, but “we welcome all Christians in Europe with an interest in creation care to consider attending the conference, and to publicise it as widely as possible”, the organisation explained.


    Creation Care conference: Bible and science to promote action in Europe


    Further information about the Lausanne / WEA Creation Care Campaign can be found on its website.

    Published in: Evangelical Focus - science - Creation Care conference: Bible and science to promote action in Europe