The focus of the L4 Seoul Statement is not on dividing issues like the exact limitation of biblical inerrancy but rather about how we read the Scriptures.
L4 deepened my understanding of global perspectives and the greatest priorities for advancing global mission: intergenerational leadership, discipleship, and justice.
Do migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees feel they can honestly share some of their struggles in our churches or do they feel they will be stereotyped, judged, or misunderstood?
The L4 demonstrates that Christianity does not belong to North Americans or Europeans, but to everyone who is made in God’s image, humbly learning God’s Words and following God’s way.
The emphasis on reconciliation, faith in the workplace, and the next generation offers a model for how the Ukrainian church can address its own context.
How does one make an effective Christian presence in the midst of a Europe that, more than asleep to the Gospel, seems comatose or almost dead?
Western agencies must reskill to become effective intercultural facilitators, connecting people, skills, and resources behind Majority World strategies for mission.
As the church in Germany and in the West in general struggles with secularisation and decline, Lausanne reminded me: the Church is alive and vibrant.
God's intra-Trinitarian love overflowed for us, at the creation of all things, for our salvation, and to accompany the Church in its efforts to bear witness.
Letting the next generation step up.
The Church in our region is steadily declining, and the age distribution of its members gives little hope of growth. What do we need to change without losing the gospel?
May the church begin to present an emotionally intelligent community, who is able to weather the intricacies of human experience, choice, and seasons of belief.
If we are open to hear the voice of the global Church, to receive its help, and to serve it; then Europe still has a key part to play in the evangelisation of the earth.
The church needs the move of the Holy Spirit more than ever, to bring greater unity and collaboration of churches and mission organizations to fulfil the Great Commission.
Let us ‘seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness’ (Matt 6:33) and we will be satisfied to sacrifice our lives to see it manifest.