Coronavirus cases reach 20 million worldwide
Spain, the UK, Italy, Turkey, France and Germany are the European countries with more cases, which are spreading among younger people.
11 AUGUST 2020 · 17:15 CET

According to the tally kept by Johns Hopkins University, the number of coronavirus cases in the world has reached more than 20 million, a figure that has doubled in about six weeks.
The United States is the country that has more cases, with almost 5.1 million, followed by Brazil, with three million confirmed cases, and India, with close to 2.3 million. They have accounted for nearly two-thirds of all cases since the world hit 15 million on July 22.
Despite these data, health experts believe the actual number is much higher, because of the testing limitations and the fact that as many as 40% of those who are infected have no symptoms.
Figures grow worldwide
In Europe, Spain, the United Kingdom, Italy, Turkey, France and Germany are the countries with more cases. Russia has reported more than 890,000 cases, the fourth-highest total in the world
Africa reached 1 million cases last week, although the spread there happened more slowly than anticipated.
Latin America is also dealing with high numbers. Mexico has registered more than 485,000 cases, while Peru, Colombia and Chile are also among the 10 countries with more cases worldwide.
This Tuesday, New Zealand announced its first cases of local transmission in the country in 102 days.
“Coronavirus is now spreading among younger people globally”
The global death toll has also grown in the last 45 days, reaching more than 737,000, an average of more than 5,200 a day.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has reported that “Covid-19 is now spreading among younger people globally, with the proportion of cases among teens and young adults up six-fold, and in young children and babies by seven-fold”.
Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director general of the WHO, said in a virtual press briefing that “my message is crystal clear: suppress, suppress, suppress the virus.If we suppress the virus effectively, we can safely open up societies”.
“Countries like France, Germany, the Republic of Korea, Spain, Italy, and the UK had major outbreaks of the virus but when they took action, they were able to suppress it”, he added.
Evangelical churches, as well as ministries and organisations, have been helping in many different ways, since the beginning of the pandemic. You can read news, perspectives and opinion articles about the Covid-19 crisis here.
Published in: Evangelical Focus - world - Coronavirus cases reach 20 million worldwide