Zwingli will have his own movie

Company confirms it is producing biopic about the radical Swiss Reformer.

    Evangelical Focus · ZURICH · 06 JULY 2015 · 09:17 CET

    Ulrich Zwingli. / Wikimedia,Ulrich Zwingli
    Ulrich Zwingli. / Wikimedia

    The life of Ulrich Zwingli will be brought to the big screens, confirmed C-Films, a company which produced films like “Midnight train to Lisbon.”

    Many have discovered the Protestant Reformation through films about Martin Luther (especially “Luther”, lead by Joseph Fiennes), but not many other Christians leaders of his age have been portrayed in cinemas.

    Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531) was the most well known Reformer of the Swiss city of Zürich, a focus of the Reformation in the country alongside Calvin’s Geneva.

    The script is being written by journalist Simone Schmid, who is working on historical material of the Reformed Church in Switzerland. The movie’s budget will be 6 million Swiss Francs (about 5 million Euros) and the release is expected for 2018.

    C-Films stated that it will be an “independent” film, but it will still aim to reach the general public.



    The Reformed Church had shown their desire to “bring Zwingli’s story to the big screen”, but they had explained: “We do not have the millions to pay for it.”

    The movie could have success, they said, because the Reformer’s life combines “religion and power, desire and love, violence and strong convictions.” 

    Published in: Evangelical Focus - culture - Zwingli will have his own movie

    1 06/07/2015 · 15:04h
    Might want to correct the dates for Zwingli's life. 1484-1531. EF. Thank you, Jim!
    2 29/11/2015 · 03:34h
    Stephen logan
    I am a descendent of Johan Nicolas Zwingle, who landed in Philidelphia in 1740, and who in turn ties back to Ulric Zwingli. Very interested to be kept advised of the progress of your movie. I appreciate you taking the effort to inform others of the contribution and conviction of this great man Regards Stephen Logan