Albania: 2,000 evangelical Christians gather for unity

It was the largest such event in recent years in the in the Muslim-majority Balkan country.

Evangelical Focus

TIRANA · 22 MAY 2024 · 09:45 CET

Resurrection day gathering in Albania. / Photo: <a target="_blank" href="">Vush</a>.,
Resurrection day gathering in Albania. / Photo: Vush.

About 2,000 Christians came together on Resurrection Day for what was the largest evangelical gathering in the past years in Albania.

The event was organised by the Evangelical Alliance of Albania in partnership with Kisha Ungjillore Libonik-Maliq and the South-East Alliance of Albania.

“It was a blessed time to see the body of Christ to come together in worship, prayer and celebration of what the Lord has done”, the organisers said.

Albania: 2,000 evangelical Christians gather for unity

Alesio Sema, General Secretary of the Albanian Evangelical Alliance, expressed gratitude to the families who “preserved the values of the Evangelical faith during the dark period of Communism”. Their testimonies of endurance and perseverance in their faith are “an encouragement to many believers not only in Albania, but to others around the world today”.

Erwin Lutzer was the invited speaker at the gathering. He is the former pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago (United States). Lutzer is a well-known author of over 50 books, including some bestsellers.

Albania: 2,000 evangelical Christians gather for unity

The Evangelical Alliance said it was “very grateful for the good work and contribution of all the pastors in southeast of Albania”, adding that this expression of unity would not have happened if the churches would not have come together.

“It is our heart and desire that evangelistic gatherings and movements will be starting all around Albania so Christ will be made known”, Alesio Sema said.

Albania: 2,000 evangelical Christians gather for unity

Albania is a Balkan country (southeast of Europe) where around 60% of its 2.7 million population identifies as Muslim.

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