5,000 gather in Bulgaria to pray for the country and the world

On 5 October, evangelicals from many churches gathered in Burgas for the seventh National Day of Prayer. The initiative drew attention to the importance of collective intercession as a force for spiritual transformation and societal renewal.

    Vlady Raichinov

    10 OCTOBER 2024 · 12:00 CET

    The annual National Prayer Day of the evangelical churches in Bulgaria brought 5,000 to the city of Burgas. / Photo: Vlady Raichinov.,
    The annual National Prayer Day of the evangelical churches in Bulgaria brought 5,000 to the city of Burgas. / Photo: Vlady Raichinov.

    On 5 October 2024, about five thousand Evangelical Christians gathered in Bulgaria for their seventh National Day of Prayer for Bulgaria and the world.

    The event, which has become a significant annual gathering for Bulgarian Evangelical churches, aims to unite believers in prayer for their nation, the world, and the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    Tertullian, a Christian theologian from the second and third centuries, wrote in his work On Prayer: “Prayer is an impenetrable defence against the forces of darkness, a mighty weapon given by God to His people for spiritual warfare.” These words reminded believers that prayer is not just a personal act but a powerful tool that connects Christians to God’s protection and guidance.


    A gathering in Burgas

    Held at Arena Burgas facility, the event brought together representatives from various evangelical denominations, all joining in prayer for their country and beyond. The organisers reported that about 5,000 people attended in person, while approximately 1,000 online connections were made, with some streaming the event to entire churches and home groups.

    5,000 gather in Bulgaria to pray for the country and the world

    The Burgas mayor, Dimitar Nikolov, at the Christian prayer gathering.. / Photo: Vlady Raichinov.

    The municipality of Burgas, acting as an official partner for the event, emphasised the positive contribution of Christian communities to both local and national welfare. City mayor Dimitar Nikolov addressed the attendees, highlighting the significance of prayer in fostering goodness and love among people. “Let us open our hearts to the light,” he said. “When we ask for something in prayer with strong faith, we will receive it. Burgas will always welcome you with open arms!”

    The meeting featured several public figures, including the Chairman of the Municipal Council in Burgas, Mihail Hadzhiyanev, and the Public Mediator of Burgas, Todor Stamboliev. In his address, a local pastor reflected on the transformation of the venue itself, remarking: “Once, military barracks stood where Arena Burgas is today. And today, a mighty spiritual army has gathered here.”


    A focus on the nation

    A major part of the event was focused on intercession for the nation. Pastor Zhivko Tonchev from Burgas led a prayer for the Bulgarian government and economy, calling on values such as hard work, honesty, and diligence, which are central to Protestant ethics. He emphasised the need to seek the benefit of others as the foundation for spiritual growth. “Only with God’s help,” he added, “can we be delivered from the spirit of deceit.”

    The event not only served as spiritual encouragement but also reaffirmed the evangelical churches’ commitment to promoting strong moral and spiritual values in Bulgarian society. One of the leaders at the event commented: “This prayer is a turning point for our nation.”


    General prayer movement and brotherhood

    Named “National Day of Prayer for Bulgaria and the World”, the event is an initiative of the General Prayer Movement and Brotherhood, established in March 2017 in the town of Stara Zagora.

    At its inception, around eighty pastors and church leaders from various evangelical denominations signed an agreement to unite their efforts for regional and national prayer meetings, promoting Biblical brotherhood. The movement strives to encourage unity among believers, despite denominational differences, and to inspire church communities to engage in acts of brotherly love.

    5,000 gather in Bulgaria to pray for the country and the world

    One of the speakers at the National Prayer Day of Bulgaria in Burgas. / Photo: Vlady Raichinov.

    One of the speakers emphasised the power of united prayer: “When we pray together, God hears our prayers and responds with might.”

    The prayer topics for the day were announced in advance, including prayers for the salvation of people in Bulgaria and around the world, spiritual growth and unity among believers, and peace across the globe.


    A call for bold prayers

    Pastor Valentin Georgiev, the event’s host, opened the gathering by announcing the presence of representatives from churches in Turkey, South Korea, various European countries, and Bulgarian Christian congregations in the United Kingdom.

    He encouraged the attendees to offer “bold prayers” that align with God’s vast possibilities. “Our words in prayer should not be predictable, indifferent, or empty,” he said. “The challenge for us is to raise our voices for change – in our families, workplaces, society, and churches – because prayer changes everything.”

    5,000 gather in Bulgaria to pray for the country and the world

    General view of participants in the prayer event on 5 October in Burgas, Bulgaria. / Photo: Vlady Raichinov.

    A worship team made up of members from various denominations led the gathering in songs of praise. Participants sang with raised hands, filling the hall with a collective expression of worship and adoration.


    Intercessory prayer and the church

    A significant portion of the event was dedicated to intercessory prayer for Bulgarian society. Prayers were offered for wisdom and guidance for government leaders, for the economy, and for education.

    Pastor Alex Asenov, who serves in London, led prayers for the Bulgarian Evangelical communities in the United Kingdom and Europe, while pastor Angel Naidenov prayed for the spiritual conversion of Bulgarian emigrants.

    5,000 gather in Bulgaria to pray for the country and the world

    Pastors from different church praying together in Burgas. / Photo: Vlady Raichinov / 

    The prayers continued with a focus on the Church itself. Several pastors led prayers for soft and open hearts among believers, growth in humility, obedience, and discipleship, and for unity among churches. They also prayed for the blessing and protection of God’s servants, for the next generation of believers, and for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and His gifts in ministry.


    The power of collective prayer

    The gathering of Christ’s followers for collective prayer is a powerful testimony to the unity of the Church. It reflects a shared faith and a commitment to follow God’s will. In the New Testament, the early church prayed “with one accord” (Acts 1:14, ESV), and following this example, Bulgarian believers join in a tradition that has spanned centuries.

    Jesus Himself promised: “If two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven” (Matthew 18:19, ESV). United prayer is filled with spiritual power, because it is an expression of faith and love for God.

    In a video clip shared in preparation for the event, part of Jesus’s high priestly prayer in John 17 was quoted: “That they may all be one, just as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You have sent Me” (John 17:21, ESV). This unity is not only symbolic but also practical, demonstrated through collective worship and mutual support in prayer.


    A unique event

    A key highlight of this year’s National Day of Prayer was the inclusion of representatives from Bulgarian Evangelical churches based in the United Kingdom. Pastor Asenov and Pastor Naidenov, both leading churches in London, shared how the spirit of unity had also reached these Bulgarian communities abroad.

    Their third prayer meeting for Bulgarian Christians living in England is set for 13 October 2024, in London, with hopes to inspire similar gatherings among expat communities in countries like Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, or France.

    Additionally, two evangelical pastors from Turkey participated in the Burgas event, expressing their desire to ignite a similar movement in their home country.

    The event concluded with a prayer of thanksgiving and a collection aimed to support future national prayer initiatives. Before the meeting ended, the date for the next National Day of Prayer was announced: 4 October, 2025. The venue will be confirmed at a pastors’ planning meeting in March.

    “I am deeply impressed by today’s prayer,” regional coordinator pastor Georgiev reflected on the significance of the event, “This event is unique in its scale and nature. There are few countries in the world where believers from across various Christian confessions would gather for prayer and brotherhood with such unity and passion.”

    As the meeting concluded, attendees left the venue encouraged and inspired by the powerful sense of unity and faith shared throughout the day. Whether in person or online, evangelical Christians were reminded of the strength that comes from collective prayer and the impact it can have on their nation and the world.

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