“Pray that Christians would rise up with a new boldness and courage”

In the weekly prayer initiative ‘Revive Europe’, students identify the deep issues in their own society and share specific prayer requests. More than 25 countries have been prayed for since February.

    Evangelical Focus

    13 AUGUST 2019 · 12:26 CET

    Christian students in one of the Revive Europe videos shared during the prayer campaign in 2019. / Revive Europe,
    Christian students in one of the Revive Europe videos shared during the prayer campaign in 2019. / Revive Europe

    In February, IFES and other partner organisations in Europe started ‘Revive Europe’, an initiative to “pray and fast at least once each week” for every country in Europe.

    Forty European countries will be covered in prayer until December 2019, when the ‘Revive Europe’ congress for people aged 18-30 will be celebrated in Karlsruhe (Germany).

    The 1-minute videos of students from more than 25 countries so far have been shared online on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter).


    These are some of the concerns shared by students from across Europe:

    - “Recognition, money and sex are the idols of our country”.

    - “The figure of Jesus Christ is not familiar to us”.

    - “Xenophobia is widespread and 'apatheism' is praised”.

    - “Many of the students idolise their books, idolise the academic system”.

    - “We just save our money to fulfil our dreams of settling down and living a peaceful life”.

    - “Sometimes, as an evangelical church, we as Christians feel so small”.

    - “Most young people have no hope in the future, and desire to leave the country”.

    - “There's an increase in mental illness; more people than ever before are battling anxiety and depression and burning out”.

    - “Although we are highly connected, people feel increasingly isolated and lonely”.

     - “We have become each other's competitors, in an endless race for personal development and success”.

    - “Society is full of divisions and disappointment with the country's leadership”.

    - “Uncertainty and lack of hope has grown rapidly as corruption goes deeper in the roots of our society”.

    - “Many Christians feel high pressure to hide their faith in public life. Religion has become a very private subject, and it's difficult to talk about it with others”.


    These are some of the specific prayer requests shared in the first six months of #ReviveEurope:

    - “Pray that we share the gospel with friends and colleagues; that we are authentic Christians, real, and to act as we speak and believe”.

    - “Pray that God would give us the heart to love him more and to seek only what he wants”.

    - “Pray that people would find their security in God and risk losing everything to gain eternal life”

    - “Pray that Christians would be faithful in their mission to make Jesus known at work, school, university, or wherever they are”.

    - “Pray that Christians dare to show things can be done differently”.

    - “Pray that his people would make discipleship and evangelism a priority”.

    - “Pray that the young church would be a strong voice in our society, and that more believers would mature and become leaders in the local churches”.

    - “Pray that Christians and churches would rise up with a new boldness and courage knowing we have something great to share with our nation”.

    - “Pray that the people here will understand that there is a bigger meaning to life that can be found in a relationship with Jesus Christ”.

    - “Pray our churches are places of genuine community, marked by a hospitality and generosity.

    - “Please pray that the joy of the Lord may overwhelm our nation”.

    - “Pray that Christians would be urgent in sharing the gospel”.

    - “Pray for unity, and an open heart for collaboration. Pray that God would heal our streets and our land”.

    - “Pray that the message of hope that we have in Christ would break through the ramparts of materialism and individualism in our country".

    - “Please pray that our hearts are once again grasped by the grace and love of God”.


    You can read all the prayer items of university students from different countries published so far: Italy, Belgium, Cyprus, Austria, Norway, France, Lithuania, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Slovakia, Sweden, Germany, Great Britain, Latvia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark, Albania, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Ireland, Hungary, Iceland.

    Follow #ReviveEurope and watch all the videos here.

    Published in: Evangelical Focus - europe - “Pray that Christians would rise up with a new boldness and courage”