A prayer for the Holy Land

As the situation in the Holy Land intensifies, the European Evangelical Alliance invites the Church to pray together.

25 OCTOBER 2023 · 13:14 CET

An image of the Dead Sea. / Photo: <a target="_blank" href="https://unsplash.com/@daveherring">Dave Herring</a>,
An image of the Dead Sea. / Photo: Dave Herring

Lord, we come to you with heavy hearts as we see the suffering in the Holy Land. The situation is devastating. But Father, help us not to despair.

We cry out to you Lord to win the spiritual battle against the forces of darkness who simply want to maximise death, hatred and destruction.

Father, we cry out to you to comfort all who are in deep distress; the grieving, the injured, the captives and their loved ones and those unable to provide for their families.

Please reach out to those who are desperate for news or aid or relief.

Please bring hope to all who despair as fear and hatred grow, as destruction intensifies, and as casualties increase.

We faithfully pray for justice and mercy and for Your glory to be seen.

We pray for release of all captives.

We ask that, in Your justice, the innocent will be saved and only the guilty be punished.

We ask You to make a way for humanitarian aid and medical care to reach those who so desperately need it.

We pray for both wisdom and mercy for all leaders.

Father, prevent the conflict spreading further.

We pray for the Christians in Israel, Gaza and surrounding nations. Lord, give them miraculous resources of hope, wisdom, courage and love that they can pass on to their neighbours.

We pray for Europe where anger and hatred are exploding. Antisemitism and Islamophobia are growing and there have already been fresh terrorist attacks. Father, please show us Evangelicals across this continent how we can bring hope and comfort and be bridge builders.

And we pray for our own leaders to be wise in what they do and say.

Finally, we pray for all peacemakers who wonder how physical, spiritual and relational wounds can one day be healed. Protect them and give them all the resilience they need.

Lord, have mercy!



He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.

And what does the LORD require of you?

To act justly and to love mercy

and to walk humbly with your God.

Micah 6:8 (NIVUK)


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Published in: Evangelical Focus - European Evangelical Alliance - A prayer for the Holy Land