Costa Rican Christians reject the inclusion of gender ideology in the educational programs
Thousands of believers participated in a demonstration in the center of the Costa Rican capital under the motto #aMisHijosLosEducoYo (I educate my children).
Protestante Digital · SAN JOSE · 26 JULY 2017 · 19:20 CET

Pastors, evangelical leaders and Christian politicians gathered last weekend in San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica, to publicly express their rejection of the inclusion of gender ideology in the sex education classes that the Ministry of Education wants to put into effect.
With the motto #aMisHijosLosEducoYo (I educate my children), thousands of believers participated in a demonstration in the center of the Costa Rican capital.
Endorsed by the Evangelical Alliance, the concentration was full of speeches and prayer for the family.
The Evangelical Church is struggling in different areas, because the Ministry of Education is including a series of subjects for high school students which promote ethical, family, and sexual views and values contrary to the biblical vision.
Christian deputies are also fighting to prevent the progress of this and other projects which aim to promote gender ideology in the schools.
"I encourage you to educate and instruct your children, the State should not educate our children ethically, morally and spiritually. Claim that right in the educational center", Sixto Porras, director of Focus on the Family for Latin America said to the parents during the demosntration.
And added: "We are the ones who have parental authority, the ones who pay the bills, therefore, do not educate them as second-class citizens, educate them to direct the destiny of the nation. Inspire your children to reach the Supreme Court, the first power of the Republic, the Executive Power, so that they can direct the destinies of this nation.”
"God is expanding our worldview. When I began ministry 55 years ago and even more recently, we believed we could only serve God in the pulpit of the Church, or perhaps in the missionary work, but there are other pulpits waiting for our young people: arts, politics, sports, communications, education”, evangelist Alberto Mottesi told the demostrators.
According to Mottesi, “we must learn to respect the vocations that come from God. We have castrated vocations. I think we have to let the young people who are being moved by the Holy Spirit to serve God in such influential areas and understand that they go there as servants of the Most High God."
Rigoberto Vega, of the Costa Rican Evangelical Alliance, expressed that the message of the Christian Church is clear: to reject anything that threatens the family according to what is established in the Holy Scriptures.
"We understand that the desire of the Ministry of Education in Costa Rica is to put into effect this type of education among the youngest strudents of Costa Rican schools. That concerns us greatly, so that we have decided to raise our voices", he concluded.
Published in: Evangelical Focus - family - Costa Rican Christians reject the inclusion of gender ideology in the educational programs