Lost ball

Do not worry about lost balls! Do not be interested in criticism! Do not fear responsibility! God has called you, so he will give you the strength to be restored.

    24 JULY 2016 · 18:45 CET

    Mark Price, playing with the Cleveland Cavaliers.,
    Mark Price, playing with the Cleveland Cavaliers.

    The player who has the ball in his hands for the longest time in a basketball match is the playmaker. One of the Cleveland Cavaliers was MARK PRICE, well known in the NBA for a long time because he won the Triple launches in the All Stars.

    Mark has taken part in many star matches and has always been one of the best launchers and passers. When he started to compete he had a motto: "Basketball is my God." He has now found real peace in his life after getting to know Jesus Christ.

    It is true that those who play longer and have the ball more times in their hands, are also those who lose more balls. Only those who are playing are pointed out for their errors. Those who watch them never lose balls. Those in the stands do not appear on the error statistics. Those who judge are never in the criticised for "unforced errors". The problem is that they are not in the successes either.

    Those who never do anything never have problems: but they make the worst error they can by not doing anything. When you are in the middle of a battle is the time when you can make a mistake. When you have invested all your strength in your job is the time when you may be without strength in a decisive moment. When you are the first to act, to help, to serve... that is the time when you may make more mistakes, and be criticised the most.

    Do not worry about lost balls! Do not be interested in criticism! Do not fear responsibility! God has called you, so he will give you the strength to be restored. He will make sure you get up each time you fall. He will show you what you have to learn from each criticism but he will also set you above what people may say. He will make you more responsible each time, so that you will not have to hear what others say about you because of their jealousy, envy... or their reluctance to enter the fight themselves.

    Every person in the world makes mistakes - many mistakes (we too, you and me). In the Bible we find many cases of people who made mistakes. They failed and some were destroyed. Yet, God always set people by their side to encourage them, restore them and get them back in the fight. 

    Published in: Evangelical Focus - Finish Line - Lost ball