More than 1% of evangelicals in Veracruz “have a missing person in their family”

In the last three years, there have been 350 new disappearances in the Mexican State. On Mother’s Day, evangelicals prayed for the relatives of the missing persons.

    Evangelical Focus

    Protestante Digital · VERACRUZ · 15 MAY 2017 · 10:34 CET

    Relatives of missing persons in a demonstration in Veracruz.,
    Relatives of missing persons in a demonstration in Veracruz.

    Veracruz is the largest and most important city of the State of Veracruz. It has the most important commercial seaport of Mexico and more than half a million inhabitants.

    It is located 400 km from Mexico City and known as “The Mexican door to the world”, because the port is and has been the most important of the country from its beginnings in the viceregal era to the present time.

    Despite being a great commercial and tourism center, the port also suffers violence, kidnappings, extortion, and murders hidden for many different reasons, as the rest of the country.



    Thousands of people have disappeared in Mexico. In the Sate of Veracruz alone there have been 350 new missing persons in the last three years.

    Less than 5% of these people have been found.

    In Veracruz, one or two out of every 100 evangelicals, have a missing person in their family, the president of the Representative Council of Evangelical Churches in the State, Alfredo Luna Murillo, said.


    The evangelical representative called on society to express solidarity with the families of the victims of this crime.

    That is why this Mother's Day, evangelicals have prayed for the mothers of the missing persons, asking God to give them strength to find their sons and daughters.



    Luna Murillo said that not only the church, but also the whole society, must understand the importance of raising the voice for this issue.

    The President of the Representative Council of Evangelical Churches stressed that “this concern is part of the Christian concept of defending life in general”, because "life does not begin when it is born, nor ends when people disappear, and we must pray that the mothers may one day find their children."



    The evangelical representative said that, only in the central area of the Mexican State, they were aware of about 20 cases of missing persons.

    Some of this missin persons are evangelicals; others are not believers, but some of their relatives are.

    "The disappearances are a big problem that hurts not only Veracruz but the whole country. There are hundreds of missing people, and it is very painful for the families, especially mothers", he said.

    "The disappearance of a child is a prolonged agony, and it worsens every time a corpse or graves with human remains are found. There is also impunity, which deepens the suffering even more, specially among the mothers", the group said.

    Published in: Evangelical Focus - life & tech - More than 1% of evangelicals in Veracruz “have a missing person in their family”