Brazilian Evangelical Alliance “vehemently condemns” attack on state powers

Evangelicals call to pray for the situation in the country after protesters stormed the headquarters of Congress, the Supreme Court and the Presidential Palace.  

Evangelical Focus

Evangélico Digital · BRASILIA · 10 JANUARY 2023 · 16:08 CET

Some of the protesters displayed a large banner calling for the intervention of the army. / RTVE.,
Some of the protesters displayed a large banner calling for the intervention of the army. / RTVE.

The Brazilian Evangelical Alliance has issued a statement to reject the protests that took place in Brasilia on Sunday, where a group of anti-government demonstrators violently assaulted the headquarters of Congress, the Supreme Court and the Presidential palace.

The protesters do not recognise the validity of the October election result and called for a military intervention to oust Lula da Silva, who was elected president against Jair Bolsonaro by almost two million votes.

The elections have been validated and recognised by international organisations and democratic countries around the world.


Evangelicals “condemn” the attack

In a statement, the Evangelical Alliance of Brazil defends the right tofreedom of demonstration within constitutional limits”.

That is why they “vehemently condemn the anti-democratic, violent and unjustifiable acts that took place in our federal capital, including the destruction of symbols of democracy that are so important to us” .

The evangelical entity shows its “commitment to the democratic rule of law and its institutions”, because “the Christian faith is committed to truth, justice and peace”.

“Based on those principles, we affirm the importance of investigating those behind such tragic events, so that justice can be done and peace can be established”, says the Alliance.

It also calls onall churches to join us in prayer for our country, for our rulers and for the search of a life witness that points in the same direction”.


Hugo Márquez: “Accepting defeat shows the stature of a politician”

The president of the Ibero-American Congress for Life and Family, Hugo Márquez, has also expressed his rejection of the attempted coupt.

In an article published in Latin American news website Evangélico Digital, Márquez laments that populisms “whether from the right or the left always have in mind to violate democratic and republican institutions in order to take power unilaterally”.

Respect for institutions and laws, accepting political defeats, understanding democracy as the best system (or the least bad) shows the true stature of a politician”, points out Márquez.

Published in: Evangelical Focus - world - Brazilian Evangelical Alliance “vehemently condemns” attack on state powers

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