There are only two sexes, say thousands in Honduras

A march organised by pastors in Tegucigalpa asked the government to stop same-sex marriage legislation and gender ideology in schools.

    Evangelical Focus

    Evangélico Digital · TEGUCIGALPA · 30 MAY 2023 · 17:44 CET

    A view of the march organised by evangelical pastores in Tegucigalpa on 27 May 2023. / Photo via <a target="_blank" href="">Evangélico Digital</a>.,
    A view of the march organised by evangelical pastores in Tegucigalpa on 27 May 2023. / Photo via Evangélico Digital.

    The Association of Pastors of Tegucigalpa organised a peaceful march in the capital of Honduras on 27 May to demand respect for life and “God’s design for the family”.

    Thousands participated in the march which, although called by evangelical pastors, was also attended by members of Roman Catholic communities. Both Christian churches have the support of more than 70% of the population, according to polls conducted in the country.

    Among those present were presidential nominee Salvador Nasralla and his wife Iroska Elvir. On his Twitter account, Nasralla wrote: “A celebration of thousands of people marching (…) for the respect of the Christian principles that have sheltered our lives”.


    The march and its slogans

    The day began on Suyapa Boulevard and reached the headquarters of the Presidential House of Honduras, where participants chanted praises and prayers to God, asking to be heard by the Honduran government and the National Congress.

    During the peaceful march, the members of the evangelical churches advocated that laws in favour of gay marriage should not be passed. They also called for the family union not to be undermined.

    One of the slogans of the march was “Don't mess with my children”, in response to groups promoting gender ideology in schools without parental consent. They also asked that all sex education materials taught to minors must receive approval from the government.

    The organisers of the march in Tegucigalpa affirmed that there are only two sexes (“male and female”) and underlined that parents should always have the last word regarding the education of their children.

    Published in: Evangelical Focus - world - There are only two sexes, say thousands in Honduras