Chinese pastor asks fellow Christians around the world to stand with him

The Christian leader has asked to publicly share his image to denounce how the government is violating Human Rights. Pressures on relatives of church members and false accusations might be the next steps in a full police crackdown on the church he leads.

    Evangelical Focus

    BEIJING · 16 JUNE 2018 · 10:20 CET

    Global Christian leaders pray and publicly stand with Chineses pastor Ezra, in a picture taken at the June 2018 Lausanne Movement leadership gathering in Wheaton, United States. / Lausanne Movement,
    Global Christian leaders pray and publicly stand with Chineses pastor Ezra, in a picture taken at the June 2018 Lausanne Movement leadership gathering in Wheaton, United States. / Lausanne Movement

    Pastor “Ezra” has been working for years as a key leader among the Christian communities in China that are not controlled by the Communist government.

    In a Lausanne Movement global leadership gathering in Wheaton, US (June 2018), he openly shared about how Chinese authorities have been persecuting Christians who organise themselves under no political control.

    Pastor Ezra asked the representatives of Lausanne as a global evangelical movement to share his image and the information of how Chinese governmental authorities recently have put huge pressures on the congregation he leads in an undisclosed location.


    Pastor Ezra has asked for his image to be shared publicly.

    Authorities had asked to install surveillance cameras inside the church premises, to which the church opposed. After this incident, water and power cuts affected the church, and the owners of the building revoked the five-year renting contract.

    Police officers have visited the homes of some of the relatives of the members of the church and have also put pressure on the employers of these church members.

    According to leaked information the church leaders had access to, a special force of police could crack down soon on the church. Pastor Ezra and other church members expect all sorts of false accusations in an operation to degrade their public image.

    His congregation and other Christians in China, Ezra said as he attended the Lausanne Movement leadership meeting, are not willing to hide their faith, and will continue to testify about their faith in Christ, no matter the cost.

    According to trusted sources within the Lausanne Movement, Pastor Ezra asked for this information to be made public, and his personal image to be shared widely. He said that the Chinese church asks for support in prayer and “solidarity as members of the same body of Christ”.

    Published in: Evangelical Focus - world - Chinese pastor asks fellow Christians around the world to stand with him