From Catalonia to the rest of Europe

160 people gathered in Barcelona to reflect on the need to prioritise Europe in the mission.

    Evangelical Focus

    Protestante Digital · L'HOSPITALET DE LLOBREGAT · 11 MAY 2023 · 15:35 CET

    Alex Sampedro led the main plenary sessions on the need to bring the mission to Europe / COEMIC.,
    Alex Sampedro led the main plenary sessions on the need to bring the mission to Europe / COEMIC.

    On Saturday 6 May, the fifth edition of the Evangelical Missionary Conference of Catalonia (COEMIC) was held in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona.

    The biannual meeting, organised by the Taula Missionera (Missionary Table), focused on continental mission under the theme Come on, Europe is waiting for us!”.

    That theme had already been anticipated at the meeting for local evangelical leaders, which is always held a month before the conference, and this time ncluded the participation of Jim Memory, Regional Director for Lausanne Europe.

    From Catalonia to the rest of Europe

     The focus this year was on the mission in the European continent. / COEMIC

    The conference gathered a total of 160 people, with a high participation of children (25), who participated in a side program developed and led by the children ministry APEEN team.

    From Catalonia to the rest of Europe

      A total of 160 people attended, 25 were children who enjoyed a side program. / COEMIC.

    A dynamic meeting

    The day was varied and dynamic and included times of worship by the church group hosting the meeting, as well as a two-part plenary by musician and author Alex Sampedro on the need to prioritise Europe in the mission.

    There were also workshops on different themes, such as biocupational mission, discipleship in a multicultural context, reaching the younger generations and mission in the workplace.

    From Catalonia to the rest of Europe

      During the meeting there was also a time for workshops on different topics, such as the mission at work, given by Jaume Llenas. / COEMIC

    Taula Missionera (Missionary Table in Catalan), which defines itself as a transversal evangelical platform in which almost all the denominations, agencies and missionary organisations that serve in Catalonia participate and which has grown year after year after a decade of work, positively evaluates the development of this edition and confirms that they have already begun to work for the next one, which is expected to take place in 2025.

    The aim of each of these biannual conferences is to raise awareness and focus the churches on missionary needs near and far, and to transfer the missionary vision.

    From Catalonia to the rest of Europe

      Taula Missionera is working for ten years to gather different evangelical sensitivities in Catalonia to work for the mission / COEMIC

    During this fifth edition, they also shared much information about the reality of mission on the ground, as well as its challenges.

    “We hope that, in due course, new men and women will join the brothers and sisters in our country who are already serving in the mission field and that new churches will join or become more involved in this call that is relevant to every Christian”, the organisers say.

    Published in: Evangelical Focus - cities - From Catalonia to the rest of Europe

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