Despite counter-protest, 4,000 marched for life in Berlin

As the coalition government pushes for liberalisation of abortion, pro-life organisations say their message is increasingly being heard.

Evangelical Focus

BERLIN · 24 SEPTEMBER 2024 · 12:21 CET

Start of the March For Life 2024 in Berlin. / Photo: <a target="_blank" href="">BVL</a>.,
Start of the March For Life 2024 in Berlin. / Photo: BVL.

Berlin and Köln (Cologne) saw on 21 September how thousands expressed their desire to see human life respected before birth.

The 15 groups that form the National Union for Right to the Live (BVL) brought together 4,000 people in Berlin and 3,500 in Köln, according to the organisers.

Initiatives to liberalise abortion more are being pushed by the progressive German government coalition in recent months. The law as it stands now allows abortion until de 12th week, after having received counselling on the implications of terminating the pregnancy.

Despite counter-protest, 4,000 marched for life in Berlin

March For Life 2024 in Köln. / Photo: BVL

“People have a sense of injustice. That’s why they keep a very close eye on how politicians deal with people in threatening situations at the beginning and end of life”, said BVL’s president, Alexandra Linder. “And they have shown what they expect from politicians with two large, life-affirming demonstrations”. The pro-life movement, she added, “enters the federal election year 2025 with five specific demands to politicians”, including more support for pregnant women, more adoption opportunities, and a ban on surrogation.


Radicals try to disrupt the events

The event in Berlin saw counter-protesters trying to disrupt the march. At the central Brandenburger Gate, around 420 people chanted slogans for “sexual self-determination”. Amnesty International signs calling for “taking abortion out of the penal code” were also seen.

Despite counter-protest, 4,000 marched for life in Berlin

The death of unborn children were remembered at the Berlin March For Life 2024. / Photo: BVL

Towards the end of the day, after a celebration with testimonies, music and the participation of founders of the march back in 2002 such as the evangelical Christian Hartmut Steeb, radical protesters were able to get up to the main stage.

According to German magazine Pro, about 17 people started chanting: “My body, my choice, raise your voice!”. Police officers acted smoothly, and after a few minutes the schedule continued. Earlier, pro-abortion activists interrupted a minute of silence for unborn children with shouts such as “go home, fundamentalists”.

The March for Life in Germany, has needed police protection for years due to the threats of radical pro-abortionists. This also is the case in neighbouring countries such as Switzerland. Alexandra Linder lamented the “defamation, anti-democratic blockade attempts”, and the negative coverage of part of the press, but participants “showed what the right to life is all about: inclusion, the protection of people at the beginning and end of their lives, help for distressed and threatened people in difficult life situations”.

Over 106,000 abortions were performed in Germany in 2023, according to official data, an increase of 2.2% compared to the year before.

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