Anisa Moosa
24 APRIL 2024 · 12:25 CET

A study analyses how culture influences the burnout experience and implications for member care.

Sarah Hay
19 MARCH 2024 · 11:50 CET

Far too often in the mission world, we mistake burnout as the height of service to God, but effective service cannot be done by a burnt out, shrivelled body, mind, or soul.

Evangelical Focus
16 AUGUST 2022 · 15:10 CET

“We reject any declaration that does not respect the historic doctrines of our institution”, they say. Other denominations are also expected to leave.

Jeff Fountain
01 AUGUST 2022 · 10:45 CET

Albania is expected to start accession talks concerning full EU membershis immediately, while North Macedonia will first need to make changes in the constitution.

06 AUGUST 2021 · 16:42 CET

Large mainline denominations that have adapted their theology to the LGBT ideologies have accelerated their loss of membership: 7 cases in 4 countries.

Evangelical Focus
26 JUNE 2020 · 14:30 CET

The latest EKD report shows that Sunday attendance reached a new low: only 3.2% of the members went to church services. Baptisms, weddings and funerals also dropped.

Peter Mead
17 APRIL 2020 · 08:55 CET

Think and pray about the gaps that this unique season will create in our churches, as well as the new people that could be added.

Wenceslao Calvo
13 AUGUST 2019 · 09:48 CET

If difficulties arise, immature Christians soon disappear, because the last thing they are willing to do is endure difficulties.

Evangelical Focus
22 JULY 2019 · 11:50 CET

The British organisation is now “open to men and women who love the Word of God”, and it has broken away from Gideons International, which remains a men's only organisation.

Evangelical Focus
09 AUGUST 2018 · 19:25 CET

A Sunday New York Times report detailed new allegations by Hybels’ former executive assistant. Lead teaching pastor Steve Carter also resigned on Sunday.

Evangelical Focus
30 JULY 2018 · 15:15 CET

The EKD reports that it lost 390,000 members in 2017, more than the Catholic church, which lost around 268,000. Both blame the decrease on Germany’s demographics.

Evangelical Focus
11 JUNE 2018 · 10:31 CET

Pastor Joel Osteen's megachurch spent $90 million last year. Only 1.3% was used for mission and evangelistic outreach.

Evangelical Focus
25 APRIL 2018 · 17:59 CET

“We will examine allegations that have not been previously investigated” the church’s elders say in a lette. “Each woman willing to speak with us will be heard”.

Evangelical Focus
09 SEPTEMBER 2016 · 12:10 CET

It's thought one of the main reasons of the exodus is a campaign from the Danish Atheist Society, whose president said he was “immensely happy” for the record of withdrawals.

Evangelical Focus
30 AUGUST 2016 · 19:10 CET

The Church of Norway now webpage allows people to verify their membership status, sign up or leave the church. “No one should be a member of a religious community against their will”, leader Kristin Gunleiksrud says.