Archaeologists identify inscriptions on stones from the 8th century BC that match the biblical account. They describe them as “the earliest manuscripts of the Bible”.
The European Evangelical Alliance adopts the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of antisemitism in a ceremony at the Yad Vashem in Jerusalem.
It was discovered in Israel, near the site of the Temple in the time of Jesus. Experts said the engraving had never been found on other objects until now.
Archaeologists discovered the scrolls in the Judean Desert. They also found the world's oldest fully intact basket, a 6,000-year-old mummified child and a cache of rare coins.
“The palace was built during the reign of King Hezekiah [...] The level of workmanship is the best seen to date, and the degree of preservation is rare”, archaeologists say.
The seal impressions found in Jerusalem, “add much information” about the time when the Jews returned from Babylonian exile.
The proposal has been rejected internationally. “It is not a peace agreement, but just a ‘vision’ or ‘plan’, and that does not mean much to Israel”, a Israeli professor of international relations says.
More than 45 world leaders gathered in Jerusalem to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. They publicly committed to never forget the lessons of the Holocaust.
“Ash, arrowheads dating from the period, as well as Iron Age potsherds, lamps and a significant piece of period jewelry” have been unearthed. The findings appear to confirm the Biblical account of 2 Kings.
The 2,600-year-old seal bears the inscription “(belonging) to Nathan-Melech”, a name that appears in II Kings 23:11.
The number of tourists to Israel almost doubled in two years, reaching the record of 4 million in 2018. 61% of visitors were Christian.
The ring is engraved with a wine vessel surrounded by Greek letters spelling out “Pilatus”. Those rings were used to stamp official documents.
The reality of our global church goes beyond what we imagine, and is growing in unexpected ways.
About 2,000 Anglican representatives gather in Jerusalem under the theme “Proclaiming Christ faithfully to the nations”. The movement has grown exponentially due to its commitment to the authority of the Bible.
At least 55 Palestinian protesters die in clashes with Israeli troops in Gaza. The “alliance between the US and Israel is stronger than ever”, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says at the opening ceremony.